Collecting Log 5/18/23: The next round of cleaning out starting soon, the week is moving along pretty fast.

I’ll probably get to cleaning out more from Storage this weekend and get things up for sale this weekend.

Got a box of incomplete Star Wars vehicles to get down from the attic.

Got a box of Star Wars vehicles to get listed for sale locally and then decide what else I want to get rid of from the Star Wars Collection.

Boxed up a few more things in the room to start decluttering after getting things this week.

Expecting at least 4 packages today:
He Man Revelations Evil Lynn
Star Wars Trade Federation MTT Left Cannon
1 Wall Tapestry
Eaglemoss Battlestar Galactica Battleship Osiris

Current Plans for the rest of the week:
-Continue to get things ready for being put up for sale locally, down to just 1 Star Wars LEGO Set up for sale and 3 Anime items
-Get a few things from Walmart on Friday on the way to the Casino

Today will be another day of doing little or nothing since I am still tired mentally and getting to where I’m starting to get tired of plugging into the net each day and seeing more of the same or things getting worse in one thing or another to where one just says “NOPE.” and does something else.

The good thing to me about getting decent things in decent sized shipping boxes is I can pack away more of the loose stuff in the room and right now have at least 2 boxes to take up to the attic and the attic stairs are slowly getting repaired so they aren’t that dangerous to go up on now so I can get back to work on cleaning out more from storage up there.

Most of what I bought recently is in Transit,still waiting for the Macross Frontier Chogokin VF-25G to be shipped and at this point that will be in hand next week,a lot of what I’m still waiting for will arrive Saturday so I can get out on Friday and not be waiting for anything to arrive in Mail that day.

Not planning to do much of anything next week.

Have used most of my collecting budget this month so need to keep making some $$$ for the last week of the month and first week of next month,those two weeks are always the most difficult at times to get through due to lack of $$$$ so next month I will be focused on doing less with collecting and after taking care of my need for Masters of the Universe figures I’m happy to put that aside for a while.

With my focus for collecting on Scifi finding it is a lot easier to manage, still have a few things to get opened and moved around before making new collection photos for May.

Still need to get back to taking photos of the Jets that fly over now that I’ve got my Replacement Camera so need to spend more time outside.

Got a bit more work do to with the room and getting things to where it’s not a mess in certain areas is this weekend’s task.

This room needs to be a bit cleaner so will do more dusting and cleaning this weekend.