Collection Additions 5/20/23: Macross Frontier Chogokin VF25G, and a few other new additions!

Done with things for May!

Got the main thing I was after for the collection this month in today and I’m satisfied.

Got the Jeanne Figurizm Prize Figure and this is the last of the Anime additions to the collection and after accounting was done today I’m happy to say I’m finished with this month’s collecting and need to keep working on cleaning out so got a few more trips to the Attic to pull a few things down to get those up for sale!

I’m finished with collecting Macross for a while, got a few weeks to go before getting anything else.

Glad to have this Macross Jet on the shelf with the other Macross Chogokins and once Ozma’s VF-25 is added next month will be done with Macross.

Was able to go to the other Antique Store and got what I wanted too get and there were a few other things I wanted but it added up pretty fast with just this so I’m done with going out to do shopping.

Was pleasantly surprised to find one of the Batmobiles I wanted to get there and there was another Batmobile from Justice League there but will have to go back next month and get that one and a few more comics.

Picked these two up Friday at Walmart and I am tired of going to do any shopping so it’s bee na good full month!

Got a few things coming in next week

Battlestar Galactica Official Starships Collection Colonial One
Star Wars Holocron Mood Light
Star Wars Black Series Mara Jade
Masters of the Universe figure lot Man At Arms, Stratos, and Triclops
Masters of the Universe Prince Adam
Masters of the Universe Teela

Getting started on getting sales going again and cleaning out since I’m resetting objectives for this round and that’s to get rid of all the Star Wars Vehicles I’ve got that are taking up the most room and the sales objective is to get about $250 if I can and that will be what I need at least over the next 2 weeks.

If things go well tomorrow will be halfway to that objective after selling the last LEGO Set I had up and a lot of 3 Star Wars vehicles, put more Star Wars Vehicle lots up and if those get sold will be at my objective for this round of cleaning out.

I need to keep moving forward with cleaning out more so I’m going to be busy the next week focusing on getting that done.