Collecting Log 5/22/23: Done with cleaning out, ready to sleep for a while.

Down to the 1 last thing to get sold and then will be finished with cleaning out and will reach my objectives for this round of cleaning out.

Sold all the Star Wars items I had up for sale and it’s been a productive start to the week.

I’m tired.

I don’t want to go back to the attic for anything and tired of bothering with selling and doing that since this is as much as I can handle mentally and just need to get that last item sold and then can finish the month in a good mood.

Mentally tired of dealing with looking through Storage Totes and Boxes and thinking about what else to get rid of so have had a good successful cleaning out and have done enough spring cleaning so this was a good month for sales.

Got enough Cash for what I need to do the next 2 weeks so can rest a lot easier.

If I can get that X-Men Blackbird sold main objectives will be achieved and now it’s down to waiting for the last of was picked up recently to get in and I won’t have to spend much time plugged into things.

Glad to have sold all the Incomplete Star Wars vehicles that were scattered across various totes and boxes in the Attic so it was worth it to get up to the attic to get those cleaned out.

I’m happy to make others Happy too giving them some great deals on things so always great to have a happy customer leave with what they wanted so I have done enough this month with cleaning out and tired of looking at anything related to Money.

I feel like I need a Nap this afternoon.