Collecting Log 5/28/23: Finishing with this round of cleaning out.

Got two more things up for sale locally and that is the last of what I wanted to get up for sale to get rid of.

Got tired of the Power of the Force Imperial AT-AT taking up space and I kept on running into it where I had it on display and feels like it was just taking up a lot more space than it should in the collection and since I’ve got the Legacy Hoth AT-AT and Endor AT-AT didn’t need that one in the collection.

Hopefully that AT-AT will sell fast and the SAGA Red Leader X-Wing will sell quickly after pulling the original box for that one out of the attic.

Next thing I’ll work on cleaning out sometime soon will be more of the empty boxes up there and probably toss out all the Black Series figure boxes.

I have a set objective for this last round of cleaning out for this month.

Need to get to that goal for this round of sales as quickly as possible to finish the month off with getting rid of everything I wanted to get rid of.

Still have more Star Wars I could sell but right now need to get rid of what I’ve got up for sale locally and then later next month start again with clearing out a few more things that are still in storage and dig a few things out of other totes in the attic and go through more of what is in the closet.

Time to finish it up and $300 is my Objectives for Sales at the end of this month or in the first week of June so if I get what’s up for sale sold will hit that objective fast, if I can get $400 in sales that will be an excellent way to end this month.

Working to get more of the Cash needed to cover anything else between now and the next 2 weeks so time to get things moving out of here fast.

Not going anywhere for a while so will be stuck at home for the next 2 weeks so need to keep myself busy and focused on these sales and since I’m motivated to clean out since I’m tired of having a lot of stuff in storage to deal with it feels like this is the best time to get things cleaned out.

After Midnight and time to settle in.