Collecting Log 3/11/24: Ready to rest easy and finish with downsizing the collection.

As this week starts I’m tired of looking at boxes and cleaning things out so I’m ready to give that a rest for a while.

Getting tired of going up and down these steps but at least taken care of a lot of what needed to be done and still have LOTS of boxes to either throw out or organize better up in the attic.

Organizing this mess of boxes is the next task to tend too and will take a while to get it better organized and will throw out a lot of the action figure boxes and a few of the last remaining Prize Figure boxes.

The main objective for organizing and cleaning is that back corner that hasn’t been organized or cleaned up that much over the last few years so need to get rid of empty boxes and move things around probably get another Tote up there to pack things away that are laying around loose and clear more space from the landing area so it will be a lot easier to move around up here.

Cleaning up the attic is going to take a while but it’s the big task I’ve got left to tend too and will pull out a few more things from up here to get up for sale locally in a month or so and I am down to 2 things up for sale locally and would be great to get those items sold and gone so I can be done with that and have almost all of what I need for my dental work costs from cleaning out.

More work to be done but I’m glad to get this done since it needs to be done.