Collecting Log 3/15/24: A few more figures on the way, Manga, and once again about done with this month’s collecting!

Another day and more picked up for the collection!

I’ve gone through most of my usual collecting budget for now and looking at everything that was picked up off Amazon, Ebay, and Target I’m down to going to GameXchange Tomorrow and getting Groceries and that should hopefully be the end of this week’s spending.

Picked up a few things:

Chronicles of an Aristocrat Reborn in another World Volumes 1-7

DC Multiverse Batman Vs Superman Batman -Was wanting to go to Target to check for this one but ordered it from Amazon.
DC Multiverse Justice Lord Superman and Batman Beyond Figure 2 Pack- Grabbed that off Amazon since it was on sale and paid only $18 for that set so great pickup there!
Gi Joe Classified Crimson Viper
Gundam G-Witch Miorine Prize Figure -Ordered that for $12 off Amazon
Jurassic Park Track and Explore Vehicle Set- This will be coming from Target along with Sabine!
Star Wars Vintage Collection Sabine Wren-Picked that up off Target’s Website on sale.

Pretty happy from getting a good bit from Target the other day clearance deals and after snagging some more deals off Amazon and Target’s Website deciding not to go to Bargain Hunt this month unless I have another opportunity to go in that direction of town but have done plenty with collecting and managing the budget pretty well this month.

Still got the 3 Star Wars items up for sale locally that I’m trying to get rid of to help with getting the last bit I need for covering Dental Work through sales so that way I can be a bit more relaxed with the overall budget management.

10pm and time to get settled in for the night, 10am will get here pretty quickly.