Collection Additions 4/5/24: More Manga and another Batman figure, a sleepy Month ahead hopefully.

Now that I’ve gotten just about everything that was picked up recently I can rest a little easy now.

Got the Dragonar Academy Manga lot I was waiting for and just need to find Volumes 3, and 6-8 to have that series complete.

This month will be focusing more on getting additional Manga series added to the collection since this current season of Anime has me drawn to 2 Manga series since the Anime Adaptations have piqued my interest in those series.

An Archdemon’s Dillemma: How to Love your Elf Bride
Chillin’ in another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers

I’m glad to be focusing more on Manga and spend more time Reading, it’s a nice change of pace from the usual rewatch loop of the same old things I’m stuck in and since my focus these days is spending less time online and less time plugged into things it’s a great way to spend a few hours every other day reading some Manga.

Still need to finish up getting some of the series I’m following completed or the next volumes for those ongoing series:

World’s End Harem Fantasia Volume 11
Chronicles of an Aristocrat Reborn in Another World Volume 9
Danmachi I need to get Volume 10 Manga for that and get Series 2
Slow Life In Another World (I Wish!) Volume 6

So most of this month is going to be devoted to picking up new Manga and older Manga.

I’m glad that I am feeling a growing need for more Books rather than figures and would love to spend my days reading more of that than scrolling through the same old same old online and feels refreshing to start moving away from being online a lot and making use of the sleepy quiet days and resting my mind.

With how much Manga Volumes cost these days getting to where gotta start allocating more from my Monthly Budget so will be spending less time looking around for more figures for the collection.

Got the DC Direct Rebirth Batman figure from BBTS in when I got the Manga and now starting to slow down with getting Batman items for the collection, last pickup for the collection was The Batman McFarlane Toys Batman and Batcycle that were on sale on BBTS at the end of last month and that’s arriving today.

Starting to clean out more from the attic and I am hopeful that this weekend and next week can get things sold and moved out of here so that way I’ll be thinking about getting fewer things this month and after securing some of the main stuff I wanted to get for the collection on Pre-Order can slow down with the hunt for other figures I’m after while getting things organized a bit better in storage.

April should hopefully be a sleepy month once I get done with the cleanout of what I have up for sale locally and after lowering prices already have 1 buyer for one lot and another interested in one of the larger items and almost to that point I’d start praying to get things sold and moved out of here so that way won’t have to deal with the large stuff anymore and can finish up with getting rid of empty boxes in the attic.

Currently for April focused on Manga but will have to pick up some Gi Joe Classified and Transformers Legacy figures and might skip out of collecting more Batman and Star Wars for a while and give it a rest with checking for more things online.

Still wanting to pick up the Gundam Seed Freedom Prize Figures and Gundam G-Witch Prize Figures so this weekend will be working on the usual accounting and seeing how much the current To Get List will be costing but the top priority is Manga and to get things cleaned out of here so I can close up shop for a while and be free of thinking about what else to get rid of for a time.

I’m happy about hitting just over 300 followers on Twitter and since I’ve gained more followers there will be spending less time there, works out better to me and with the site’s continual changes and things getting to where each change is making me want to spend less time there I will be spending more time offline.

At least getting up to the Attic every few days is good to me to help continue to work on getting it organized up there and now the last main task is to get rid of most of the empty figure boxes up there and can be done with that this weekend if I spend a few hours up there digging them all out and tossing them in garbage bags.

Got a bit more work to do but almost finished up with a lot of the remaining tasks for organizing the collection so I’m hoping that once this week passes and then next week moves along quickly by the time I get back to picking up what I’m after for the collection I can finish up with the hunt for any more for the collection and probably put more in storage and shift the collection around again.

Still looking into some more Power Rangers figures and Morphers but this month should be able to limit my overall pickups for figures if I focus more on Manga.

Almost 2am and time to get back to sleep.