Collecting Log 6/24/24: Sleeping Soon.

Took care of getting that main item I wanted to pick up off Etsy.

With the DS9 Phaser Rifle Replica secured and the remaining To Get List shrinking to a handful of things to pick up next month I am ready to get finished with anything else that needs to be tended too and then I will Hibernate for most of July.

Going through totes and boxes has been productive.

Gotten almost everything I don’t want anymore up for sale and hopefully the Star Wars items can sell and 2 Gundam Action Figure lots can get sold and moved out of here.

Not sure if I’ll have another lot of Transformers figures to put up next week but I am nearing the end of cleaning out all of the Transformers I don’t want anymore and would be wonderful if everything gets sold and then can rest very easy.

I’m not obsessing over anything anymore.

No Longer fixated on acquiring certain things and getting rid of a lot of what I’ve pulled out has helped get rid of that feeling.

Gotta keep it up with getting rid of things but I need to let things rest for a time with putting more up for sale and wait for things to get sold before putting another half dozen things up for sale.

This is one of the main things that is burning through my remaining energy for doing things being focused to where I’m fully drained of energy for doing things when wanting to get things finished up so I need to remind myself daily that I have done plenty for this month and give things a rest.

3 weeks till collecting can resume and with only 3 things left to arrive I’m doing well enough to talk myself out of getting more things and now talking myself to getting rid of more of what is in the collection….I need rest and sleep.

Almost Midnight and I need to get to bed.